Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From point of competance to super incompetance

This aptly applies to Ms.Arundhati Roy who is talented fiction writer but now she has gone into   world of politics and top it all she is dabbling in Kashmir Politics without having inkling of ground situation. If she is shedding crocodile tears for Kashmir's People where was she when Kashmiri Pundit's were hounded out of there home just because they where minority and had allegiance to Indian constitution.What about the brave soldiers fighting a proxy war sponsored by Pakistan with faceless enemy whose life is at stake as he is struck out like sore thumb because of his uniform.She is able to say what ever because of fundamental right of speech but she should dabble only on those subject in which she is proficient that  is fiction and not into politics and she miserably failed in that account.

1 comment:

  1. आप कश्मीर मुद्दों की बात कर रहे हैं .....
    अच्छा है .......
    आप से एक गुजारिश है की यदि आप हिंदी में लिखे तो अंग्रेजी ना जानने वालों को भी आप का ब्लॉग पढ़ने में सहूलियत होगी .....
    धन्यवाद .......
